The way of the original preparation of meat dumplings is quenching in a frying pan with vegetables.


Pelmeni – 22 pcs.

Assorted vegetables – up to 500 g

Salt – to taste

Vegetable oil – for frying

  • 158 kcal
  • 20 minutes.

Cooking process

My family – lovers of dumplings. In addition to their traditional cooking in a saucepan, periodically cook fried in a frying pan, bake in a microwave, in an oven in pots: with vegetables and cheese, in Amur, etc. The way of extinguishing dumplings in a frying pan with vegetables was also fond of. It is convenient when you need to cook in a quick way for two or three people, when all the pots are busy or when the pelmeni is not enough for full-fledged portions.

Vegetables come in a variety of fresh or frozen. At us it is more often a mix of the bought frozen vegetables: Mexican or lecho.

To prepare stewed dumplings in a frying pan prepare the ingredients in the list. I have ordinary meat dumplings from pork and beef and a vegetable frozen mixture of green beans, sweet peppers, onions, carrots and corn. The amount of one or the other choose according to your needs. We cooked with a daughter for two only 22 pelmets …

Ingredients for stewed dumplings in a frying pan

Rinse the vegetables in a colander with cold water to remove ice icing, and start defrosting them in a frying pan in vegetable oil.

Put the vegetables in the pan

Then add dumplings and lightly salt. Fry them all together for a couple of minutes.

Put to the vegetables dumplings

If the allocated juice from vegetables is not enough to extinguish, pour in a small amount of boiling water so that the pelmeni are a third or half in the liquid.

  Pelmeni mit Pilzen

Pour boiling water

Bring the broth to a boil, cover the frying pan with a lid, reduce the heat to medium and cook until ready for about ten minutes.

Stew dumplings

Stewed dumplings in a frying pan are ready. Serve them with sauces to taste, for example with sour cream. When serving, if desired, sprinkle with fresh chopped herbs and pepper to taste.

The recipe for stewed dumplings in a frying pan

Bon Appetit!