Salad with beef tongue can be safely attributed to the festive dishes, which do not every day, because the language is considered a delicacy.


Beef tongue – 250 g

Eggs of chicken – 2 pcs.

Pickled cucumbers – 1 pc.

Mayonnaise – 100 g

Peking cabbage – several sheets

Walnuts – 20 g

Garlic – 1 piece

Salt – to taste

  • 202 kCal
  • 50 min.

Cooking process

Beef tongue can be served on the table as an independent snack, it is always tasty and presentable on the table. But also with it you can prepare all kinds of salads. Some add it to olive instead of sausage, such a replacement will not only be delicious, but also much more useful.

But in addition to this use, with the language you can prepare a lot of other salads. I do not really like multicomponent heavy salads, and salad of beef tongue with pickles does not contain too many ingredients, so in my list of salads for the holidays it is present. In addition, I like not to mix all the products, and lay them in layers, promazyvaya a small amount of mayonnaise, that is, serve it portionwise. How to make a salad, I’ll tell in my recipe, and how to serve it – it’s up to you to decide.

For a salad we take the necessary products on the list.

Ingredients for beef salad with pickled cucumbers

The language is best cooked in advance, for example the day before the preparation of the salad. The cooking time in the recipe is indicated without the time for boiling the tongue. I will touch on this process in brief.

  "Mistress" salad (classic recipe)

The cooking time depends on the age of the animal and, accordingly, on the size of the tongue. I boiled half a beef tongue weighing about 500 grams, I used half of this weight for sandwiches, and the other half for salad. Cooked a piece of tongue about 2 hours. In the broth necessarily add a bulb, bay leaves, peppercorns and salt.

Brew the tongue

From the boiled tongue we remove the skin and let it cool. Keep in the refrigerator until use. For a salad, cut the tongue in thin strips.

Cut the tongue

Leaves of Peking cabbage are mine, wiped with a towel or napkin to remove unnecessary moisture.

Wash the leaves of cabbage

For dressing, we mix mayonnaise with crushed or finely chopped garlic.

Combine mayonnaise with garlic

The leaves of the Peking are torn in small pieces and put into a mold. You can salt a little.

Put a layer of cabbage leaves

Now put the cut beef tongue on the leaves.

Put a layer of the tongue

Lubricate with mayonnaise dressing with garlic.

Lubricate the tongue with mayonnaise

Cut salted cucumber, too, thin straws.

Cut the cucumber

We lay it with the next layer of our salad.

Put a layer of cucumber

Eggs for salad should also be boiled in advance. We cut the eggs with a cube.

Cut the eggs

We stack the cut eggs with the next layer, one egg per serving.

Put a layer of eggs

Once again we lubricate everything with mayonnaise.

Lubricate the eggs with mayonnaise

Now we again rip out the leaves of the Peking cabbage and place them on this mayonnaise layer.

Put cabbage leaves on the eggs

The last layer is walnuts. For use in any salad, the nuts should be slightly fried in a frying pan, so they become much tastier. Chop the fried nuts not too finely and sprinkle them on top.

Sprinkle with walnuts

Now you can already carefully remove the form and apply the finishing touches of mayonnaise. You can use an ordinary package, cutting off a corner, or a pastry bag.

  Easter Egg salad

Recipe for salad from beef tongue with pickled cucumbers

That’s it, a salad of beef tongue with salted cucumbers is ready, it can be served on the table.

Photo of salad from beef tongue with pickled cucumbers

Enjoy your meal!