This dough is easier to prepare and faster than the traditional one on milk, so it’s easy for a beginner to cook cakes.


Kefir – 200 ml

Flour – 350 g

Vegetable oil – 60 ml

Fresh yeast – 20 g

Sugar – 1 tbsp.

Salt – 2 pinch

  • 298 kCal
  • 1 hour

Cooking process

Recently I wanted to experiment with a new pie test. Traditionally I make pies and patties on a dough with milk, eggs and butter on this recipe. I really love pastries on this test, but I wanted something new, but at the same time, faster and easier. And since I had a dusty recipe for a kefir dough for pies long ago, I decided that it was time to try it. We can say that this is almost a lean recipe, well, except, of course, kefir. It has no eggs, no butter, instead of which vegetable is used.

Their pies I made two kinds of this test: with poppy seeds and with onions and eggs. The dough for patties on kefir without eggs is not difficult, so any newcomer will cope with it. So, prepare the products on the list.

Ingredients for kefir dough without pie eggs

Pour in a bowl of vegetable oil and kefir at room temperature.

Combine butter with kefir

A little stir and add fresh yeast here, the right amount of which must be measured with the help of scales. Also add sugar here and mix everything with a spoon, so that the yeast dissolves in the oil-kefir mass.

Sprinkle yeast and sugar

Leave this mixture for 10 minutes, during this time it will rise and bubble.

Allow the mixture to bubble

Pour this mass into a bowl of a larger size, which is more convenient to knead the dough, and pour in it sifted flour and salt. First it is better to pour two thirds of the total mass of flour, stir, and then pour the rest. The flour is also measured with the help of scales, and if you do not have weights, then keep in mind that a glass with a volume of 250 ml contains only 130-140 grams of flour.

  Curd dough for bagels

Add flour

For the convenience of kneading, you can do this on the table, and then return the kneaded dough to a bowl for proofing. The dough should be smooth, soft and not too dense. We’ll cover it and leave it for 40 minutes.

Knead the dough

During this time, the dough on kefir should increase well in size.

Approached dough

After it can be laid out on a table or board, sprinkled with flour, and crumble. It is very malleable, it is comfortable to work with and it does not stick to your hands.

Knead the dough

For convenience, I divided the dough in half, from each half we make 8-10 pies with any stuffing. I did one batch with a poppy and the other with an egg and a green onion, forming patties in the form of triangles. Here are such pies left.

Bake cakes

Pies made of dough on yogurt without eggs will not require you a lot of time and skills, and the result will necessarily have to taste.

Photo of the test on kefir without eggs for pies