Vareniki from lean dough for fast days, with a delicious potato-mushroom filling.



Flour – 480 g

Water – 220 ml

Salt – 0.5 tsp.


Oyster mushrooms – 300 g

Potatoes – 500 g

Onion – 1 pc.

Vegetable oil – 3 tbsp.


Black pepper powder


Ground coriander

  • 152 kCal
  • 2 hours

Cooking process

Vareniki is a dish for all time. Even in the days of fasting, you can prepare them if the filling is made lean.

I do not know about you, but I love small vareniki, with a very thin, transparent test, so fluttering as a butterfly’s wing. But in Ukraine they cook and love big, puffy-thick vareniki on sour milk. All variants will have their fans.

Today we cook lavender vareniki with potatoes and mushrooms, which means that the dough will be on the water, without eggs, thin and delicate. Flour is of great importance here. I was very fortunate that I can buy one of the best – flour made in Kazakhstan. It is made of hard wheat varieties, whiter than white, perfectly kneaded, easy to work with, its products practically do not need a backing, do not get unstuck during cooking, and even without eggs look presentable.

I tried different varieties of Ukrainian and Russian flour, but none can compare with the Kazakh one. If you do not have such flour, then, perhaps, during the kneading test, more of it will be needed. Focus on the softness of the dough and be sure to keep it for ripening under the film.

  Albóndigas de cuajada con cerezas

To prepare dumplings from lean dough with potatoes and mushrooms, we will take the following products.

Ingredients for lean dumplings with potatoes and mushrooms

First we prepare the dough. Dissolve salt in hot water. Pour in the flour and knead the dough.

Combine the ingredients for the dough

Be sure to knead it on the table to absolute smoothness. The dough should be off the table and from the hands, be elastic and obedient. If necessary, then add a little more flour. Turn the dough into a film and leave it for a while. I do not put it in the fridge. From this amount of the test, we obtain 48 finely-rolled medium-sized vareniki. Since I cooked vareniki with two different fillings, for this volume of the test the amount of potato-mushroom filling can be doubled.

Knead the dough

While the dough “ripens”, we prepare the filling. Peel potatoes, cut into slices and boil in salted water. You can add a bay leaf and favorite seasonings.

Put the potatoes in a pot of water

Mushroom oyster mushrooms thoroughly wash, clearing of debris, then cut into smaller pieces.

Cut the mushrooms

Preheat the frying pan on fire. Dip mushrooms into it without any oil. They will immediately start the juice. While stirring, fry the mushrooms until the liquid evaporates completely. Then pour in the oil and sprinkle with your favorite spices. Since oyster mushrooms do not have any flavor, they very quickly absorb the aroma of spices, adjust the taste for their preferences. I really love the smell of fenugreek, which must necessarily be part of the hops-suneli, so I sprinkle all this spice))). Well, the black ground pepper and coriander will not be superfluous. Fry for a few more minutes until soft.

  Vareniki con requesón de masa sobre agua

Put mushrooms in a frying pan

Then add finely chopped onions. Fry all together until the mushrooms and onions are soft. Salt add to taste.

Put onions and mushrooms

With boiled potatoes drain all the water. Strain the potatoes.

Potoloch potatoes

Add mushrooms fried with onion and stir well. Check for salt to taste completely satisfied.

Add mushrooms with onion

I prefer to mold vareniki in such a simple way. There is no waste test, which again requires rolling, which is more difficult to do every time, because the dough hardens from adding flour. And here to divide all the dough into convenient pieces, to take in work one piece of dough. Roll it out thin sausage, cut into the same small pieces, flatten them in a lozenge.

Cut the dough into slices

Each lozhecheku roll out a pair of movements with a rolling pin into a thin circle. I’m doing the thinnest. In the center put the stuffing and dumpling varenik. It is very easy to work with this filling, it is plastic and obedient, nothing follows, you can adjust the degree of filling varenik. Carefully fix the edges, so that when cooking, the dumpling does not get unstuck. I almost did not use flour for dust, I did not need it.

Put the filling on the dough

These are the vareniki I have turned out. I froze most of it. To do this, you need to spread the vareniki on a tray dusted with flour, freeze, and then pack in sachets. Use as needed.

To save the dumplings

Dumplings are not the smallest, I usually sculpt less. They are boiled in salted boiling water for no more than 2 minutes after the float.

Blind all dumplings

Lenten dumplings with mushrooms and potatoes can be served with homemade ajika, ketchup, any spicy sauce on a lean basis. You can fry onions in vegetable oil and pour with this butter vareniki.

  Vareniki with cherries from dough on water

Photo of lenten dumplings with potatoes and mushrooms

Bon Appetit! It turned out very tasty))

Recipe for lean dumplings with potatoes and mushrooms