We prepare a lean, rich meal – borsch with canned beans.


Potatoes – 2-3 pcs.

Bulgarian pepper – 0,5 pcs.

Onion – 1 pc.

Carrots – 0.5 pcs.

Pasternak root – 1 pc.

Beets – 0.5 pcs.

Unrefined sunflower oil – 2 tbsp.

Tomatoes in own juice – 0.5 jars

Tomato paste – 3 tbsp.

Canned beans – 1 can

Salt, pepper, sugar – to taste

Bay leaf – 1-2 pcs.

  • 82 kCal
  • 30 min.

Cooking process

Borscht – how much in this sound for the Russian heart has merged, how much in it responded 🙂 The borscht recipes are great-great variety! This is the first dish prepared on vegetable broth, meat, or simply on the water.

Today we are preparing borsch with canned beans. I do not add cabbage to such a borsch.

Prepare the products on the list. The recipe is designed for a saucepan of 3 liters.

Ingredients for borsch with canned beans

We peel the potatoes, cut them and cook them.

In the meantime, cook potatoes, prepare a dressing for borscht. We cut all vegetables, fry them in sunflower oil.

Cut all vegetables

Then add canned tomatoes and tomato paste. We extinguish all couple of minutes.

Add tomato paste and tomatoes

When the potatoes were cooked, it became soft, we add refueling. We cook for five minutes.

Put refueling in soup

We drain the liquid from the can of beans and add the beans to the pan. We’ll cook a couple of minutes.

Add Beans

Solim, pepper to taste. Let’s add a bay leaf.

If the taste of the borscht is sour (thanks to tomatoes and pasta), adjust the taste with sugar.

  Vegetarian chickpea soup

Let’s borsch with canned beans to infuse for 10 minutes and serve, sprinkled with herbs.

Put spices and bay leaves

Bon Appetit!

Photo of borsch with canned beans