I think it’s not worth mentioning that homemade noodles with chicken are a very tasty first dish. At the output we get quite a dietary soup.


Chicken – 1 pc.

Potatoes – 3 pcs.

Homemade noodles – to taste

Salt, pepper – to taste

Greenery – to taste

  • 183 kcal
  • 1 hour

Cooking process

Home noodles … how much in this sound for the Russian heart has merged, how much it has responded! 🙂 I think, it is not necessary to say that homemade noodles with chicken are very tasty first course. It is prepared simply and quickly, and at the output we get quite a dietary soup.

Of course, it’s better to take a chicken “blue”, homemade. From it you will get a more flavorful and tasty broth.

The dough for noodles is cooked according to this recipe.

So, to prepare noodles with chicken, we prepare the products on the list.

Ingredients for homemade noodles with chicken

Of course, the chicken must be cut into pieces. We put it in a pan, fill it with water and cook until ready, periodically removing the formed foam.

Cook the chicken

Once the chicken is cooked, let the broth filter. Put the chicken aside, let it cool down a little. In the broth, add the potatoes and cook it until cooked.

Put the potatoes

While potatoes are brewing, we will disassemble the chicken. Bones are thrown away, and the meat is added to the pan with potatoes. A little provarim.

Put chicken in the soup

Then spread the noodles, cook for just a couple of minutes. Solim, pepper to taste.

Put the noodles to taste. Someone likes that soup was thick, someone – liquid.

  Fried shurpa in Uzbek style

Put the noodles

Turn off the gas. Let’s add chopped greens. I have dill.

Add greens

Soup of homemade noodles with chicken served hot with a boiled egg.

Bon Appetit!

Photo of homemade noodles with chicken