Fast, delicious and hearty pork roast from pork and vegetables. No special culinary skills this dish requires, and the result is very tasty.


Pork (ham of the ham) – 800 g

Frozen vegetables – 400 g

Ketchup – 100 ml

Onion – 150 g

Carrots – 150 g

Vegetable oil refined – 80 ml

Spices and salt – to taste

  • 186 kCal
  • 30 min.

Cooking process

This dish – from the category of bachelor, ie. “hastily”. The very case when time is short, and you want to eat and nourishing, and tasty, and at home. Will get fresh meat, a package of frozen vegetables from the supermarket and a little ketchup or tomato sauce. All very quickly and very simply, no special culinary skills this dish does not require, and the result is not just edible, but even very tasty. Such frying is perfect as a main course or a hot appetizer, and in a stern men’s company this dish, especially without bothering with serving, can be brutally served directly in a frying pan, especially if there are hot or foamy drinks.

For preparation, prepare the food in the list.

Ingredients for roast pork with vegetables

Reheat the vegetable oil well in a frying pan or stew pan. Lay out small pieces of meat and, without interfering, cook without the lid for 8 minutes, so that the meat is covered with a golden crust from below.

Put the meat in the pan

At this time, cut the onions into half rings and carrots into thin slices.

Cut the onions and carrots

When the meat is fried on one side, add onions, carrots, favorite spices and mix. Continue cooking, sometimes stirring, for another 7-8 minutes.

  Braised potatoes like in kindergarten

Add vegetables and spices to meat

Then, without thawing, add vegetables from the package and a little ketchup or tomato sauce. Salt to taste, stir and cook for another 7-8 minutes. The time of preparation is indicated taking into account the use of frozen vegetables.

Put the frozen vegetables and tomato sauce

Fast pork roast with vegetables is ready. The dish can be served to the table immediately.

Recipe for roast pork with vegetables

Photo of pork roast with vegetables