Serve kebab in pita bread with vegetables and sauces. Original dish from the usual products!


Shish kebab meat (ready-made) – 100 g

Lavash large – 1 pc.

Cucumber – 1 piece.

Tomato – 1 pc.

Onion – 0.5 pcs.

Bulgarian pepper – 0,5 pcs.

Ketchup – 2 tablespoons.

Mustard – to taste

  • 80 kCal
  • 10 min.

Cooking process

Someone likes to eat shish kebab from skewers, someone likes to serve it on a plate, sprinkled with onions and herbs, I offer you a shish kebab in pita bread with vegetables and favorite sauces. This method is suitable for small pieces of meat, and they should be soft and juicy. The recipe for the shashlik used for the recipe is “Shashlik in own juice”.

If you have a shish kebab turned dryish or pieces too large, then I recommend it for pita bread cut, in my case it is not required.

Shish kebab recipe in pita bread

The main ingredients.

Ingredients for cooking shish kebab in pita bread

Lavash (I have a big one), cut into 2 parts, fold each part in half and form a bag.

We form a bag of lavash

Take the bag in your hand and fill it with pre-cut vegetables and meat.

We fill the bag with food

Ready shish kebab in pita bread

Add filling with sauces and serve shish kebab in pita bread on the table.

Photo of a shish kebab in pita bread

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