Porridge of the oatmeal with pumpkin for breakfast is simple, tasty and useful.


Pumpkin – 120 g

Hercules – 3/4 cup

Milk – 2 cups

Salt – 1 pinch

Butter – 30 g

  • 114 kCal
  • 20 minutes.
  • 5 minutes.

Cooking process

Who does not remember my mother’s porridge with pumpkin for breakfast? Usually in her childhood everyone simply can not stand, but then often remember with pleasure and even nostalgia.

Prepare porridge with pumpkin can be made from any grains, I cooked it with poppy, millet, rice, wheat, today I propose to cook oatmeal porridge with pumpkin. I use a frozen pumpkin – it has no role in the taste of the dish, it just takes less time to prepare the products (no need to clean and chop the pumpkin). Cubes of a pumpkin can not even be thawed, it will happen during cooking.

Prepare foods on the list.

Ingredients for Herculean Porridge with Pumpkin

Pour pumpkin cubes with water, half a cup enough. Bring to a boil and cook a little – 3-4 minutes.

Put the pumpkin in the water

Add the washed oats.

Add oats

Pour the porridge with milk and cook over low heat until the pumpkin is soft (depends on the variety).

Pour in the milk

At the end of cooking, salt the salty, lovers of sweet can add sugar. I do not put sugar, because the pumpkin gives its sweetness.

Cook porridge

That’s all! Herculean porridge with pumpkin in milk is ready! Serve with a slice of butter for breakfast. Bon Appetit!

Recipe of Herculane porridge with pumpkin

Herculean porridge with pumpkin

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