Original jam with thick syrup and well-saturated sugar syrup fruits. Eggplants should be used small.


Eggplants – 1 kg

Sugar – 1-1,2 kg

Water for jam – 0,5 l

Soda – 1 tbsp.

Water for soaking – about 1 liter

  • 176 kCal
  • 1 h. 30 min.

Cooking process

Last year I saw an egg jam from an eggplant in the Internet, I was in doubt, but I planned to try it all the same. As spices in this jam are offered different options: honey, vanilla, cloves, lemon, cinnamon …

For cooking, it is best to take small eggplants – up to 10 cm in length. Those who grow up themselves can tear them down at the right stage, and the rest will have to dig in a pile of eggplants in search of suitable ones. I managed to find only three more or less small vegetables, which can be welded whole, and I planned to cook for a single kilogram, so I got all sorts of different.


First of all, the aubergines must be soaked in soda, i.e. in a soda solution.

Add soda

To do this, dissolve the soda first in a glass of hot water.

Pour in water

Then pour the rest of the water and mix.

Stir the soda in water

Eggplant peel. Small leave whole, and large cut into pieces of the desired size, for example, large lobules or slices.

Make in eggplant puncture

Each piece of eggplant pierce with a fork in several places and immediately put in a soda solution.

Put eggplants in a soda solution

Soak the eggplant in water with soda

To make the eggplant not pop up, think of ways to squash them and leave for 2-3 hours.

  Κόκκινη σταφίδα με ζάχαρη για το χειμώνα

Put the press

From the water and half the sugar cook the syrup, i.e. mix and bring to a boil.

Heat water with sugar

Cook in this syrup washed after soda and lightly squeezed eggplant about ten minutes. Then you need to let them cool down completely.

Boil the eggplant in syrup

Before the next stage of cooking, add the rest of the sugar, bring to a boil, remove the foam, cook over medium heat for about half an hour, and then on the lowest heat – about half an hour. If you plan to add a lemon or strip of lemon peel, then send them to the syrup immediately, if in the plans – spices, then they are better – at the end of cooking, adding a little fire, and honey – just at the end in almost ready jam, removed from the plate.

Pour sugar

Jam from eggplant should be obtained with a thick syrup and well-soaked sugar syrup fruits. It is rolled in the traditional way in sterile cans under sterile lids.

A recipe for eggplant jam

Have a nice experiment!

Photo of jam from eggplant