Tasty and useful yeast dough for pizza from whole wheat flour (on dry yeast).


Whole-grain flour – about 200 g

Flour in / with – 50 g

Water (or milk) – 150 ml

Olive oil – 1 tbsp.

Dry active yeast – 1 tsp.

Sugar – 1 tsp.

Salt – 1 pinch

  • 182 kCal
  • 1 hour

Cooking process

Whole-grain flour is more useful than refined flour types and is great for making pizza dough. The ratio of flour of the highest grade and whole grains can be equal to or some kind of flour more, but some less. I prefer, when the whole-grain is bigger … I can even not add any flour, except whole-wheat flour.

Wholemeal flour of different manufacturers differs in properties, as however, and any flour, even the highest grade, so the amount of liquid can vary. Do not rush to add more and more flour, if the dough seems soft, it is better to even mix it.

Prepare the ingredients in the list:

Ingredients for dough for pizza whole wheat flour

Mix and stir water, olive oil, salt and sugar.

Water with olive oil, sugar and water

Add flour and dry active / quick-acting yeast.

Add flour and yeast

Stir the mass.

Stir the dough

Then put out the soft elastic dough, place it in a bowl, cover it with a towel and leave to rise in a warm place. And if you have a multivark with a “yogurt” mode or setting a temperature of 30-40 degrees, then you can put the dough in the bowl of the multivark on the rise.

The dough should be crushed 1-2 times during the lifting time. If the dough will not be used immediately, then store it in the refrigerator, but keep in mind that it will continue to rise in the refrigerator!

  Dough for patties on kefir without eggs

Muffle the dough

The dough for pizza from whole wheat flour is ready. Choose a filling for pizza – topping to your liking, any fit!

Recipe for a pizza dough from whole wheat flour

Bon Appetit!